An interesting observation: whereas yesterday’s Violin Sonatas (with its accompanying harpsichord) grated on my nerves, today the music seems more mournful than hurtful. This work definitely violates the Three-Instrument Rule (when a harpsichord is involved, it takes two other instruments to balance out that distinctive-sounding keyboard). And, for my tastes, I think the recording mix […]
Entries Tagged as 'Bach at 32'
Day Twenty One: Violin Sonatas, Part Two (CD 1-21)
August 17th, 2011 · No Comments · 1717, Bach at 32, BWV 1017, BWV 1018, BWV 1019, BWV 1019 1st version, BWV 1019a, CD 1-21, Harpsichord, Luis Otavio Santos, Pieter-Jan Belder, Three-Instrument Rule, Violin Sonatas
Day Twenty: Violin Sonatas (CD 1-20)
August 16th, 2011 · No Comments · 1717, Bach at 32, BWV 1014, BWV 1015, BWV 1016, CD 1-20, Luis Otavio Santos, Pieter-Jan Belder, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Snakes, Three-Instrument Rule, Violin Sonatas
There’s a line in the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark in which Indy (Harrison Ford) outruns a pack of bloodthirsty natives, jumps into a river full of crocodiles, and climbs aboard a water plane that narrowly outruns the poison darts and spears thrown by his pursuers. As the plane takes to the sky, Indy […]
Day Fifteen: Flute Sonatas (CD 1-15)
August 11th, 2011 · No Comments · 1717, 1718, 1735, 1741, Bach at 32, Bach at 33, Bach at 56, BWV 1013, BWV 1033, BWV 1034, BWV 1035, Flute, Flute Sonatas, Harpsichord, Jordi Savall, Stephen Preston, Trevor Pinnock, Viola
Now this is music I can dig! Today’s CD — Flute Sonatas, part two — adds a third instrument to the mix, and that (to borrow from Robert Frost) has made all the difference. Flute and harpsichord, alone (which is what yesterday’s CD offered), was like Red Bull with a shot of bourbon in it. […]
Day Fourteen: Flute Sonatas (CD 1-14)
August 10th, 2011 · No Comments · 1717, 1730, Autobiography of a Yogi, Bach at 32, Bach at 45, BWV 1030, BWV 1031, BWV 1032, CD 1-14, Flute, Flute Sonatas, Harpsichord, Paramahansa Yogananda, Stephen Preston, Trevor Pinnock
I love being up and out before the sun rises. Sitting here at Panera Bread (my usual spot for these music-every-day listening adventures) affords me an entertaining window on the world. For example, sitting across from me is an elderly gentleman with a Pistons NBA World Champions 1989 ball cap perched askew on his head. […]
Day Nine: Double Concertos (CD 1-9)
August 5th, 2011 · No Comments · Adagio, Allegro, Allegro ma non tanto, Bach at 32, Bach at 50, Bach at 56, Back at 45, BWV 1043, BWV 1044, BWV 1055, BWV 1060, CD 1-9, Chamber Music, Double Concertos, Oboe, Oboe d'amore, Pizzicato, Violins
This CD, which contains Bach’s Double Concertos, features all of my favorite instruments (flute, violin, strings, and even harpsichord — played as a mood-setting accent) performing music that is truly remarkable. Not for its intricate or even frenzied contrapuntal complexities, but for its, well, pleasing-to-the-ear qualities. Bach’s Double Concertos (concertos for two solo instruments) are […]
Day Five: Violin Concertos (CD 1-5)
August 1st, 2011 · No Comments · 1717, 1735, 1738, 1742, Allegro, Amsterdam Bach Soloists, Bach at 32, Bach at 50, Bach at 53, Bach at 57, Bach at 63, BWV 1041, BWV 1042, BWV 1052, BWV 1056, BWV 1064, CD 1-5, Emmy Verhey, Henk Rubingh, Rainer Kussmaul, Thomas Hengelbrock, Violin Concertos
Now this is more like it! Next to Brandenburg Concertos, these Violin Concertos are my favorites so far. I realize I’ve only been listening for five days. But when I find something I like — really, really like — I have to make note of it. So that’s what I’m doing — making note of […]